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Farm Clean Up

Over the weekend we spent time spreading compost on Tony & Zane’s (Paige's dad and brother) field. My estimate is that roughly 90-100 cubic yards of compost had accumulated from the combination of manure and uneaten hay since February.

The benefit of spreading the compost is to add nutrition to the field and make more room for future compost.

To promote decomposition, we cover the pile with an old billboard vinyl sign which enables the temperature to increase to 150 degrees Fahrenheit. The sign of good decomposition is when the color of the compost is black with minimal hay present.

We saved some compost! If anyone is interested in compost for their garden please let us know. We can provide small amounts in feed bags or large amounts in the back of a pickup or trailer. We have provided our compost to a few local gardeners to improve their soil health.

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